
Most of the pollution on land makes its way into the water, harming the entire food chain. Air and sound pollution is also a big part of the problem. Air pollution causes the oceans to acidify. Thirty to forty percent of carbon dioxide released by humans is dissolved into oceans, lakes, and rivers. Sound pollution kills thousands of squid every year. 250,000 tons of trash are dumped into the oceans because people think it’s a convenient dumping ground. That’s why we have an island made of trash the size of Texas in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Industrial plants continue to expel toxic chemicals directly into the ocean, and we continue to do nothing about it. Look onto the links tab to find organizations to donate to.


Ocean pollution threatens the food webs. Oysters mussels and coral reefs might not survive. The discharge of nutrients, pesticides, untreated sewage, and plastics, account for about 80% of marine pollution globally.  About 100 million marine mammals and turtles are killed every year because of plastics. To solve ocean pollution it would take thousands of years and would cost billions of dollars.


If we don't stop this problem, after we run out of fresh water, there will be no water left. Ocean water will be so polluted that we wont be able to extract the pollution and use the water as drinking water. All of the marine life will eventually die or be forced to evolve. Fishing industry's will go out of business, and people will lose their jobs.

Importance to Me

Ever since I was little I have been taught the importance of the ocean. My mother works at the Department of Ecology. She works specifically with Puget Sound restoration. As I grew up I learned to love the ocean. I became very passionate about the subject, and about marine animals.

Marine Mammals

If we stay at the same rate we are at polluting the oceans, and not cleaning up after ourselves, marine mammals and turtles will die. It is literally impossible of marine mammals and turtles to evolve before they die out. If you look at how much we have changed the oceans in just 100 years, and know that it takes thousands of years to evolve, oyuu can find the conclusion that all marine mammals will become extinct. 

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